A look into how customization can be an effective tool in a furniture retailer’s online strategy.
Businesses have long recognized the value of allowing customers a say in the design of a product. Mass-customization has been around for decades and many studies have shown that it often leads to an increase in perceived value. We take pride and feel a sense of ownership when we, with some justification, can claim that we’ve made something.
It makes intuitive sense that if we are allowed to take part in the creation of something, we are more likely to develop a favorable view of the outcome, than if we receive it in a completed and fixed form.
“I made that” is hardly ever said without pride. Just think of the last time someone told you about their latest artwork, interior decor project, dinner party or even their kids. If we have had a hand in creating it, we put on rose-colored glasses and can only see the magnificent brilliance of it.
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